Frequently asked questions & answers and about our business addresses in Berlin
Can the business address be used for the commercial register entry at the local court?
Yes, a so-called virtual business address can be used without hesitation for entry in the commercial register and for the entire external appearance of a company. It is important that the company is listed with its full name on the letterbox. This is ensured by renting a business address from us.
What about the business address when setting up a new corporation (GmbH or UG)?
If a GmbH or Unternehmergesellschaft (UG) is founded, the competent local court will write to the company at the so-called domestic business address (including a request to pay the registration fee in advance). If the company cannot be contacted at this address, the entry in the commercial register will be delayed as the local court will doubt the existence of the company's business address. Therefore, make sure that you have a business address and that your business address has been set up with us by the notary's appointment at the latest.
Is it possible to use a P.O. Box address?
No, for a corporation (GmbH or UG) the so-called domestic business address must be a physical address in Germany at which the company must be reachable - a PO box is not permitted.
Can I also use the business address for the tax office?
Yes, the business address can also be used for the tax office in any case. The tax office responsible for you is determined by the so-called place of management. The place of management is the place from which the company's business is mainly conducted, i.e. business decisions, bank transfers, etc. As this does not take place from this location in the case of a virtual business address, you can enter your private address in the "Different place of management, if applicable" field when registering for tax purposes. The only difference is that a different tax office is responsible for your company. Your official business address, i.e. the virtual business address, will still be used in all tax office letters and tax returns.